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Board of Education Standing Committee

The following are standing committees of the BOE, expected to make regular reports to the BOE as a whole. Meetings will be posted and will be open to the public. The Committee Chairperson will be responsible for calling meetings, setting agendas, and moving committee work forward. The Committee Chairperson will ensure that agendas and minutes are posted in a timely manner consistent with FOI requirements. The Board Chair, with the approval of the Board, may also appoint additional standing committees as may be needed.


Shannon Tomai, Chair

Alison Plante

Brian Leonardi

  1. Financial Responsibilities

a) Time permitting, review monthly line item expenditure report from the BOE Business Director,
b) Time permitting, review all budget transfers between line items and make recommendations for such transfers;
c) Review financial reporting mechanisms and yearly budget documentation for clarity and content and present any recommendations;
d) Provide oversight of contracts totaling $200,000or more over the duration of the contract.

  1. Review the terms and conditions for the Request For Proposals (RFP);
  2. Review contract bids prior to recommendation to the Board;
  3. Review reports from contracted services as needed.

    2. CIP/Facilities Responsibilities

a) Review capital expenditures and proposals for the Town's five and ten year capital improvement plan (CIP) in accordance with the Town's CIP Regulation timeline;
b) Review quarterly, building and maintenance needs with the Building and Grounds Facility Director.
c) Provide oversight to BOE Capital Improvement Projects, working with the Director of Facilities and, as needed, the Town Public Building and Site and other Town commissions.

BOE CFF/CIP Subcommittee Meeting Dates for 2023


Don Ramsey, Chair


  1. Work with the Superintendent and the Board to communicate effectively with the education community and the community as a whole about school matters;
  2. Produce fact-based newsletters and documents as directed by the Board.


TBD, Chair


Don Ramsey

  1. Develop a consistent body of expertise regarding union contract negotiations at the Board level;
  2.  Committee members will split specific union negotiations among themselves, and members should reflect a variety of skills and length of service on the Board.   Additional Board members may be assigned by the Board Chair to fill out representation for specific negotiations.


Don Ramsey, Chair

John Vouros

Christopher Gilson

  1. Ensure that the direction of the curriculum reflects the Board of Education mission, beliefs and objectives at both the course-specific and K-12 vertical alignment level;
  2. Meet with administration and staff to review goals, curriculum updates, new textbooks, proposed or changed courses and programs and make recommendations regarding these items.

BOE Curriculum & Instruction Subcommittee Meeting Dates 2023 (PDF)


Christopher Gilson, Chair

John Vouros

Chris Gilson

  1. Review, support and oversee the goals and objectives of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion work in the District to ensure consistency with Board Policies.
  2. Work with the Coordinator of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent and the Equity Team and act as bridge to the Board of Education and its committees on matters related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
  3. Recommend to the Board of Education any action that needs their approval to support the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion needs of staff and students.

BOE Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Subcommittee Meeting Dates for 2023 (PDF)


Doria Linnetz, Chair

Don Ramsey


  1. Review and propose revisions to Board policies as needed to ensure consistency with the District mission statement, best practices and for compliance with state and federal laws;
  2. Develop new Board policies as appropriate.

BOE Policy Meeting Dates for 2023 (PDF)


Newtown Public Schools recognize that there are beneficial long term and short term outcomes from implementing Social Emotional Health & Wellness programs within our district. Research has shown benefits that include improved academic performance, college readiness, career readiness, positive mental health, positive social behaviors, and healthy adult relationships. The district's social emotional framework outlines 5 competencies that are monitored and measured throughout the school year - self awareness, social awareness, relationship skills, self management, and responsible decision making. School leadership teams analyze data at the school level to determine areas in need of improvement and develop action plans. School counselors also review data to inform decisions regarding types of lessons to offer in the classroom and types of support they can offer to students throughout the year.

  1. Work with the Superintendent and Health and Wellness Coordinator to prioritize social-emotional programs and practices that impact students' well-being.
  2. Establish and sustain a culture that supports mental health services for all staff, students, and families.
  3. Assess district and community resources to ensure mental health services are accessible to all members of the school community.
  4. Monitor and evaluate the implementation and impact of district health and wellness policies and protocols.
  5. Provide regular feedback to the Board of Education and recommend changes or modifications to the district's health and wellness program for board approval.

BOE Social/Emotional/Health/Wellness Subcommittee Meeting Dates for 2023 (PDF)

Boards and Committees


Christopher Gilson

Para Culture and Climate Committee

John Vouros

District Safety and Security Team

John Vouros


Alison Plante

NFT Culture and Climate Committee

John Vouros

Don Ramsey

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